Monday, May 9, 2011

Review: THOR (2011)

Directed By: Kenneth Branagh

Starring: Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Anthony Hopkins, Tom Hiddlestone

THOR-the god of thunder is based on a superhero character from MARVEL comics of the same name. It is meant to be summer blockbuster and so far has been successful. (Before anyone watches this movie, it is needed to have basic idea of the character and world around it)

It starts with Odin-King of Asgard(Hopkins) defeating Frost Giants of Jotunheim from conquering the Nine Realms including earth in 965AD. In present when son of Odin-THOR was about to be king of Asgard, the Frost Giants tries to get back the Casket of ancient winter which was ceased by Odin back when he defeated frost Giants. This leads to THOR overpowering his father’s order and he goes to Jotunheim with his brother Loki and his warrior friends. Odin interrupts the fight and ceases all powers of THOR for his insane and exiles him to earth with his hammer-Mjolnir protected by spell that a worthy person will be able to handle and use it.

On the other hand Loki finds that he is actually son of Leufi-leader of frost giants. He gives Frost giants chance to kill Odin but THOR’s worrier friends finds it and goes to earth to get Thor back. Thor also discovers what his father wanted to teach and get his hammer and power back and at the end defeating Frost Giants.

As it a superhero movie it is meant to be full of action and superhero stuffs. So it is there in it with superb visuals. The actor portraying THOR,Chris Hemsworth is visually perfect and portrays well. Hopkins, Portman and Tom have also done well with their respective characters. Kenneth Branagh as we know is very good  actor-director, has justified with the movie. 

All in all it’s worth watching and I think specially kids will love it.

RATINGS: 6.75 OUT OF 10.   

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