Tuesday, September 7, 2010

GROWN UPS (2010)

STARRING: Adam Sandler
                      Kevin James
                      Chris Rock
                      David Spade
                      Rob Schneider

GROWN UPS is comedy starring Adam Sandler and his friends who are regularly seen in his movies. Whatever ‘critics’ say about Sandler and his movies, how so ever badly criticize his movies but this man knows what he is doing. He knows that people like his movies. Critics say he is not funny and looks silly but people find him funny otherwise why his movies would make millions of dollars like this grossed more than $200 million. Anyway leave this.

This movie is typical buddy movie where friends meet after so many years on their basket-ball coach’s funeral. After that they plans a week leave on a lake-house with their family and how they enjoy this time together is the storyline of the movie.

First thing first don’t us your brain while you watch sandler’s movies. Just go and have a great laughing time. He and his friends entertain for about 90 to 100min non-stop. Movie is full of many moments where I laugh a lot.

Movie is kind of slapstick comedy. It isn’t great but it entertains if you want to have some fun otherwise if you bring bias opinion like those critics you will not going to enjoy.Just have fun.

1 comment:

  1. Its true jj. I saw this movie and found it to be a light comedy for pure entertainment. With Adam Sandler, keep expectations low and predict no brainer stuff and you will do just fine.
